You should head to hospital or call your doctor if you experience any of the following when pregnant:

- severe persistent headache
- visual disturbances
- severe abdominal pain
- severe nausea and vomiting
- burning with urination
- fever
- watery vaginal discharge
- vaginal bleeding
- reduced baby movements
- anything which makes you worried.
Please contact your GP Obstetrician to make an urgent appointment or contact the antenatal assessment unit at Armadale Hospital on 9391 2947 and ask to speak to a midwife
If you think you are in labour, please call the Antenatal Assessment Unit on 9391 2947 to speak with a midwife before coming to hospital.
When you arrive, please report to the ward clerk. A midwife will then conduct an initial assessment and contact your GP Obstetrician.
If you are in active labour from 35 weeks of pregnancy, you will be admitted into one of our five birthing suites. If you are in labour before 35 weeks, you may be transferred to another specialist hospital.
If you arrive at the hospital between 9pm and 5am, please enter the hospital via the Emergency Department staff will direct you to the maternity ward.