Breastfeeding is the perfect form of nutrition for your baby and forms a precious bond between mother and baby.
Armadale hospital is a Baby Friendly Health Initiative accredited hospital encouraging and supporting breastfeed whilst respecting mothers choice.
Breastfeeding can be challenging for some women and below are links to services and support available to help women.
Please discuss any issues you are having with your Obstetrician and midwife.
Your body undergoes many physical changes after the birth of a child. Your mode of delivery can also impact your recovery.
It is important that you understand the changes your body has been through and you understand the safe way to engage in safe exercise following the birth of your baby.

Baby blues are common and affect up to 80% of mothers. Symptoms occur three to five days after the birth, such as mood swings, teariness, feeling overwhelmed and/or anxious. It’s not really understood why women experience baby blues but it is thought that it may be due to rapidly changing hormone levels after the birth. The birth experience may also play a role in baby blues.
Symptoms usually go away after a few days without needing to be treated. However, if your symptoms don’t shift after a few days it is important to let your health professional know as it may be a sign of developing depression or anxiety.
If you or your partner have any concerns about your mood, thoughts, emotional well being or feelings towards your baby please speak to your Obstetrician, GP or Midwife.
Here are some additional resources.
Beyond Blue Info Line 1300 224 636
*Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467
*SANE Mental Illness Helpline 9682 5933 or 1800 187 263
*Parenting Line (24 hrs)
6279 1200 or 1800 654 432 (country calls)
*From the Heart WA (6am - 4pm WA Time)
9340 1622
Pregnancy, Birth & Baby Helpline (24 hrs)
1800 882 436
*Women’s Domestic Violence Helpline (24 hrs)
9223 1188 or1800 007 339
*Sexual Assault Resource Centre 24hrs Crisis Line 9340 1828
*These organisations offer a call back service if dialing from your mobile.

Being a parent can be the most important experience of your life. However, looking after a new baby can be a challenging time. There are services and support available to families to assist them with parenting issues.
Please discuss any issues you are having with your doctor.
Useful resources